Discipline Policy
Learning takes place in an environment that is safe, orderly, and respectful of others. The need for rules and consequences would be lessened greatly if all students would make a habit of being considerate of other people. We wish to promote an atmosphere of happiness, friendship, and cooperation between all students.
This Discipline Policy was developed with these guidelines in mind:
Student activities should not interfere with the legitimate activities of others.
Student activities should never endanger another person or his/her property.
Student safety is our top priority.
During the first few weeks of school the following rules and expectations will be taught. Please review these with your child at home and make sure that she/he completely understands them. Thank you for making Solorio Elementary School a great place to learn!
Safety Rules:
For their own safety, students may only be on campus when adult supervision is provided. For this reason, students in grades 1-5 may not be on the playground before 8:00 a.m. Those students who escort kindergarten siblings to school may drop off their kindergarten sibling in the kindergarten yard between 8:00 a.m. and 8:05 a.m. and then wait in front of the school to be excused onto the playground. Older students are not to play on the kindergarten playground. Students in grades 1-5 are to wait on the sidewalk in front of the school until the teacher on morning duty arrives at 8:00 a.m.
Students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 may ride their bicycles to school. Students must provide their own lock for locking their bike in the bike area. (The school and the Etiwanda School District will not assume any responsibility for any theft or damage.) Bicycles must be walked at all times on all parts of the campus including the parking lot. Students should adhere to all Bicycle Safety Rules and Vehicle Code Rules or they may lose the privilege of riding a bike to school. We remind you that students are required by law to wear helmets when riding bikes. Students may not use roller skates, roller blades, or skateboards on campus or to go to and from school.
Behavior that may cause harm or injury to others is never tolerated and will be dealt with in a serious manner, including suspension from school. Such behavior includes fighting, rock throwing, sand throwing, pushing, kicking, and other similar harmful behaviors.
Playground games such as football, "play fighting," “tag,” etc., which could cause the risk of injury are not allowed. Unsafe use of playground equipment is not allowed. Students should follow school determined rules for all games. (Teachers will review these in class.) Students will care and use all equipment properly.
Students must remain in assigned areas where proper supervision is provided. During recess and lunch students may enter the quad area only if they have permission from the adult on duty. When students arrive on campus at 8:00 a.m., they are to place their items on their classroom coat rack and proceed to the playground to await the bell to line up.
Running/playing in the quad area, restrooms, or any non-playground area is unsafe and not allowed.
When the bell rings, students will:
Freeze - get off equipment, hold playground balls, stand quietly.
Wait for the teacher on duty to blow the whistle.
Walk to their assigned line.
Stand quietly and wait to be dismissed to class.
Courtesy, Respect, and Responsible Citizenship Rules:
People, including other students, are to be treated with respect. Rudeness or defiance of authority of any adult on staff will not be tolerated.
Students will address all adults by their proper title . . . Miss, Mrs., or Mr.
Students are expected to take pride in their school by being responsible for cleaning up after themselves and putting all trash in proper containers while in their classrooms, the restrooms, the cafeteria, and the playground areas.
Profanity and obscene gestures are never allowed and may result in suspension from school.
Gum chewing is not allowed. Students may eat healthy snacks at recess only in the designated snack area. Glass containers, soda, and candy are not allowed on the playground.
Articles of value that students find should be turned in to the "Lost and Found.”
Restrooms are to be used for their intended purpose.
Name calling, teasing, or being rude to fellow students is disrespectful and will not be tolerated.
Toys and electronic devices are not allowed at school. Students should leave radios, electronic games, baseball cards, and other "toys" at home. These items of value only distract from our purpose of education. Cell phones may not be used during school hours. Students may bring a playground ball (no tennis balls or rubber super balls) to school. Please label with the student’s name. This ball must remain at school. The school and the Etiwanda School District will not assume responsibility for damage or loss. School equipment will be available for student use.
Students are to respect school property and the property of others. Misuse or vandalism may result in the natural consequence of repairing or replacing the damage.
Students are expected to support the proper environment for learning by following classroom rules as set forth by the teacher.
Cafeteria Rules:
During lunch or while in the cafeteria students will:
Be courteous in the lunch lines -- no pushing or cutting in line.
Sit at their assigned tables and remain seated throughout the lunch period until excused by an adult.
Use "dining room" manners -- speak in normal voices, use proper manners, and not play with food.
Clean up one's own spills and messes.
Raise hand and wait to be excused by the lunch proctor.
Throw away own trash in barrels after being excused.
Store playground equipment on the stage while eating.
Not bring glass bottles or glass containers in lunches.
Not bring carbonated beverages as they often "explode" upon opening.
Select healthy snacks and meals.
Not bring candy or gum.
WALK from the cafeteria to the playground area.
Playground Rules:
Care properly for all equipment. Use playground "bouncy" balls and basketballs on hardcourt only. Use soccer balls and yellow kick balls on grass only. Do not kick the playground "bouncy" balls.
Softball and flag football are not allowed to be played at recess, lunch, or before school. Softballs and footballs may be used only for throwing and catching practice.
Softball and flag football may only be played at P.E. under close adult supervision.
Balls are not to be bounced against the buildings or thrown on the roof.
Students should take care to keep all playground balls on the school grounds. Students may not leave campus to retrieve a ball. Students are to report the lost ball to the proctor or teacher on duty. Balls will be retrieved by a supervising adult.
Follow school established rules for tetherball, hopscotch, dodgeball, 4 square, 4 corners, soccer, handball, etc. Teachers will teach and review these rules in class.
Sand is for digging and building. Be careful when digging so as not to get sand on other students or damage their construction. Sand should never be thrown! When the sand is wet, the sand area is off limits.
Jump ropes are for jumping only. There will be no "helicopter," "waterfall," twisting, tying on to others/things, or "tug of war." Jump ropes should be used on the hardcourt only, not on grass or sand.
Use hula hoops properly-no trapping people in them or tugging on hoops. Take care to keep the hula hoops round and not dented. Hula hoops should be used on the hardcourt or the grass, not in the sand.
Climbing on gates, fences, and backstops is not allowed.
No running on the hardcourt unless it is part of an organized game.
Remember that games are always open to everyone. There will be no "locked-out" games. Adults on duty will determine when a game is over crowded. Students are to consult a proctor whenever disputes arise.
Never spit!
Students who demonstrate responsible citizenship by following our school and classroom rules will be recognized in a variety of ways -- citizenship grades on report cards, Citizenship Awards, Student of the Month, special reward recesses, and other forms of recognition both in the classroom and in general.
Parent support of our school Discipline Policy is vital if we are to provide the school environment that every child deserves. We appreciate your support and the time you have taken to read and discuss these rules and expectancies with your child. Let's work together to make Solorio Elementary a safe and happy place for children to work, learn, and play.